- I want to hammer in a few facts if I can.
要是能够的话,我要反复强调几个事实。 - The lesson of this sad story should be well rubbed in.
The Effect of Zebra Mussel Consumption on Growth of Freshwater Drum in Lake Erie
Taylor & Francis Online :: The Effect of Zebra Mussel Consumption on Growth of Freshwater Drum in Lake Erie - Journal of Freshwater ...
Tympanosclerosis of the drum in secretory otitis after insertion of grommets. A prospective, comparative study.
Drum-in-hat parking brake for a disc brake assembly
Through the eyes of U.S. media: banging the democracy drum in Hong Kong
Age and Growth of Black Drum in Louisiana Waters of the Gulf of Mexico
Food of Freshwater Drum in Western Lake Erie
Spawning and Early Life History of the Freshwater Drum in Lewis and Clark Lake, Missouri River
Improvement of caustic wash drum in EDC recovery unit
Trophic Ecology of Freshwater Drum in Large Rivers