- She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life.
An Introduction to the Homily
Computer and Homily: Accessing the Everyday Life of Early Christians
The Eyes Infected by Evil: Basil of Caesarea's Homily,On Envy*
Gregory Nazianzen's homily 15 and the genesis of the Christian Cult of the Maccabean martyrs
Intercultural Competency and the Sunday Homily: In the Footsteps of Pope Francis
Vilification of the Rich in John Chrysostom's Homily 40 on First Corinthians
Certain Sermons or Homilies (1547) and a Homily against Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion (1570):
Hebrews, an ancient synagogue homily for Tisha be-Av : its function, its basis, its theological interpretation
The Computerized preacher – A Prototype of an Automatic System that Creates Short Rabbinic Homily (in Hebrew)