- Two experiments are carried out to investigate the role consistent accentuation plays in spoken discourse comprehension.
该研究两个实验探索了一致性重读在口语语篇理解加工中的作用。 - Note the accentuation of detail of the eye sockets as well as the side of the head.
Comparative study on accentuation of regional analgesia by addition of different adjuvants in bovine
Opposite effects of accentuation and deaccentuation on verification latencies for given and new information
Aging as Intracohort Differentiation: Accentuation, the Matthew Effect, and the Life Course
Dissociation between left ventricular untwisting and filling. Accentuation by catecholamines.
Myocardial bridges in man: Clinical correlations and angiographic accentuation with nitroglycerin
Distal accentuation of conduction slowing in polyneuropathy associated with antibodies to myelin-associated glycoprotein and sulphat...
Hypertrophy causes delayed conduction in human and guinea pig myocardium: accentuation during ischaemic perfusion
Differential connexin expression in preglomerular and postglomerular vasculature: accentuation during diabetes.
Memory-based judgments about multiple categories: A revision and extension of Tajfel's accentuation theory.