- Tell us exactly what happened and don't prevaricate.
有什麽就原原本本地告诉我们吧,别躲躲闪闪的。 - He accused the minister of prevaricating.
Prevaricate and lose : construction law
PRs simply prevaricate to perfection
Share Trading: Complicate, Then Prevaricate
Kelly Still in Limbo as Potters Prevaricate
The Rand experiment: don't prevaricate—participate
Alaska's Palin polarizes even as she prevaricates
Aspergillus flavus endocarditis--to prevaricate is to posture
Why We Must Snuff out the Bankers' Attempts to Prevaricate on Reform
Israel Misinformed Journalists; Military Prevaricated on Missiles Used in Attack in Gaza
The Hutton Inquiry: MP Says Kelly Prevaricated and Misled Committee ; ANDREW MACKINLAY Foreign Affairs Select Committee Member