- It would be a first as there are no prevision in the UEFA rules.
这将是第一例此类事件,因为此前欧足联从未有过先例规则。 - Some prevision warned the explorer of trouble.
Prevision domains and convex powerconesOn coherence and conditional previsionModelisation et prevision des indices de prix sectorielsLa prevision des taux longs francais et allemands a partir d'un modele a anticipations rationnellesA simplified but accurate prevision method for along the sun PV pumping systemsVariations and prevision of the in sacco dry matter digestion of concentrates and by-productsAufrère J, Etude de la prevision de la digestibilité des fourrages par une methode enzymatiqueA new understanding of subjective probability and its generalization to lower and upper previsionpH stability of individual folates during critical sample preparation steps in prevision of the analysis of plant folatesElectrostatic interaction of a solute with a continuum. A direct utilizaion of AB initio molecular potentials for the prevision of s...