Freedom and Foreknowledge
On divine foreknowledge and human freedom
Foreknowledge, caring, and the side-effect effect in young children.
Effects of repetition and foreknowledge in task-set reconfiguration.
The Dilemma of Freedom and Foreknowledge. by Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski
The role of age, foreknowledge and complexity in learning to operate a complex device
The effect of foreknowledge of demand in case of a restricted capacity: The single-stage, single-product case
Does Manipulating Foreknowledge of Output Tasks Lead to Differences in Reading Behaviour, Text Comprehension and Noticing of Languag...
Inhibition and anticipation in visual search: Evidence from effects of color foreknowledge on preview search
Cognitive control of auditory distraction: impact of task difficulty, foreknowledge, and working memory capacity supports duplex-mec...