The Proboscidea - Evolution and Palaeoecology of Elephants and Their RelativesDental homologies and nomenclature in the ProboscideaThe Pleistocene Gomphotheriidae (Proboscidea) from South AmericaThe interrelation between Proboscidea, Sirenia, Hyracoidea, and Mesaxonia: The morphological evidence.First record of Paleogene Elephantoidea (Mammalia, Proboscidea) from the Bugti Hills of PakistanPalmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and Devil's-Claw (Proboscidea louisianica) Control in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) with Pyrithio...Le crâne de Moeritherium (Proboscidea, Mammalia) de l'Eocène de Dor El Talha (Libye) et le problème de la classification phylogén...Nouvelles données sur phosphatherium escuilliei (mammalia, proboscidea) de l’éocène inférieur du Maroc, apports à la phylogén...Feeding Ecology, Dispersal, and Extinction of South American Pleistocene Gomphotheres (Gomphotheriidae, Proboscidea)Stable Isotope Ecology of a Late Miocene Population of Gomphotherium productus (Mammalia, Proboscidea) from Port of Entry Pit, Oklah...