- Evidence is adduced by the procurator fiscal.
证据由地方检察官提出。 - He was arrested for subsidizing the chief procurator.
Pliny the Procurator
Caveat Procurator: Virtues and Business Ethics
On the Procuratorial Integration and the Independence of Procurator
Review of Chief Procurator Attendance in Judicial Committee System
The Reform and Perfection of Civil Procurator Supervision System in China
On Public Procurator's Duty of Objectiveness and Impartialness and the Perfection thereof In China
On the Judicial Trusts Patching by the Civil Procurator Supervision
The Relationship Between the Police Agency andthe Procurator Office on the Realm of Legal State
Political will and public trust: El Aalvador's procurator for the defense of human rights and the dilemmas of institution-building
Benedictus Thomae, Senatores procurator esque Romani nonnulli quorum cursus honorum munerumve post volumina prosopographiae imperii ...