- Describing the characters and developmental features of spore germination and protonema development of moss applied in this research by microscopy.
Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses IV. Aloina (Pottiales)Auxin regulation of caulonema formation in moss protonemaStudies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses V. Diphyscium foliosum (Hedw.) Mohr (Buxbaumiales)Die Abhängigkeit des Protonemawachstums und der Protonemapolarität bei Farnen vom LichtStudies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. XII. Ephemeropsis, the zenith of morphological differentiationMechanically Induced Avoidance Response of Chloroplasts in Fern Protonemal CellsGrowth Regulation by Ethylene in Fern Gametophytes. I. Effects on Protonemal and Rhizoidal Growth and Interaction with AuxinMicrotubules and microfilaments in tip growth. Evidence that microtubules impose polarity on protonemal growth in Physcomitrella pat...Epiphytic Bacteria Associated with the Bryophyte Funaria hygrometrica: Effects of Methylobacterium Strains on Protonema DevelopmentEffects of nutrients, cell density and culture techniques on protoplast regeneration and early protonema development in a moss, Phys...