- Once awoken, KS tells DA not to believe anyone else's words except his, and asks DA to marry him.
The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken
The sleeping giant has awoken :
Sleep disordered breathing awoken.
TGFβ: a sleeping giant awoken by integrins
TGF-beta: a sleeping giant awoken by integrins
The sleeping giant has awoken : the new politics of religion in the United States
The sleeping giant has awoken : the new politics of religion in the United States
State Menu-Labeling Legislation: A Dormant Giant Waiting to Be Awoken by Commerce Clause Challenges
A Sleeping Host Awoken by Its Guest: Recognition and Sensing of Imidazole-Containing Molecules Based on Double Cu 2+ Translocation ...
Epidemic of Non-Communicable Diseases in Jamaica: Monsters Awoken from Lifestyle Practices Epidemic of Non-Communicable Diseases in ...