- The discipline is a branch of psychophysics in that it is interested in the relation between sensory input stimuli and the behavioural or psychological response that they provoke.
这是一个精神物理学的分支学科,它侧重于研究感官的输入刺激和这些刺激所引发的心理反应或行为之间的关系。 - Psychophysics might have a name that sounds exciting, but its experimental methods are pretty dull.
The Psychophysics Toolbox
The Psychophysics of Human Sound Localization
The psychophysics toolbox. Spatial Vision, 10(4), 433-436
Signal Detection Theory in Psychophysics
Signal detection theory and psychophysics.
Psychophysics: Introduction to its perceptual, neural, and social prospects.
Nonverbal Counting in Humans: The Psychophysics of Number Representation
Toward a More Rigorous Psychophysics. (Book Reviews: Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics)
Concurrent TMS-fMRI and psychophysics reveal frontal influences on human retinotopic visual cortex.
Competition for consciousness among visual events: the psychophysics of reentrant visual processes