Job Description: Accounts Payable Administrator Bursary
Job Description: Receptionist/Reprographics Bursary
Job Description: Payroll and General Accounting Administrator (Maternity Cover - 30 hrs pw)
Integrated Accounting, CRM and ERP System for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and AIX
Estimates of Survival in the Cape Vulture, Gyps coprotheres
Lithology and Strontium Distribution of the De Queen Formation at the Main Highland Gypsum Quarry, Highland, Arkansas
A New Kind of Trainer How to Develop the Training Role for People with Learning Disabilities
Learning to Tell: A Handbook for Inclusive Storytelling
Naturalism: “Dirt and Horror Pure and Simple”
The New Woman and the Empire, and: New Woman and Colonial Adventure Fiction in Victorian Britain: Gender, Genre, and Empire (review)