
undertake tailor soft-sell save reputable part-time packaging overpay wholesaler wage freeze unit takeover synergy sole distributor scare scale saving retail price report to relief reliability quote quotation production schedule production cycle product life cycle preference shares fixed rate take on survey sourcing sector scrap resignation resign reserve reposition relocate purchasing power profit profile product mix per annum participate parent company overheads notice task force withdraw welfare swot spokesman software segment security section research and development rep remuneration rapport rank range raise partnership overview objective negotiable market price wind up white-collar turnover treasurer tariff specification solvent slump scapegoat saturate reputation represent rating productive product owe overtime obsolete niche negotiate withdrawal wholesale white goods wealth warehouse target spread sponsor sole slogan seasonal representative rate probation pay patent offer network net motive wealthy unemployment benefit unemployment uneconomical undifferentiated marketing trouble-shooting trend treasury task tactic stock turnover staff turnover split spare part saturation sample rent radically price public relations viability venue tie skill sick pay shop steward sack royalty open shop liquid link joint installment industrial relations hazard flow shop drive decrease closed shop chart subordinate subcontract sales force running just-in-time junk bonds jobbing job shop job satisfaction job rotation health and safety hand in someone's notice firm deposit demotivate defer circular charge channel Sick note vision vendor vary variety transfer supply subsidise skimming round roughly listed initial head fluctuate float fire equity depreciate depot circulate trade union strike rocket marketing mix market leader jurisdiction input inflation follow-up fiscal demand management delivery cycle defect deduct credit limit claim chief challenger a variety of transaction trade track record throughput supervisory run manufacturing industry listing liquidity grow flier engage defective default decline credit cost-effective commitment commission superior shortlist running costs mark-up liquidator liquidation liquidate key inflate guideline guarantee growth group fixed costs dynamic deficit credit rating credit control costing core time viable venture summarise sickness