Viviparous quadrupeds of North AmericaLocomotion skills for simulated quadrupedsLocomotion Skills for Simulated QuadrupedsSupraspinal locomotor control in quadrupeds and humans.Chapter 4.20 - Supraspinal locomotor control in quadrupeds and humansDesign principles for highly efficient quadrupeds and implementation on the MIT Cheetah robotDesign principles for highly efficient quadrupeds and implementation on the MIT Cheetah robotWere the basal sauropodomorph dinosaurs Plateosaurus and Massospondylus habitual quadrupeds?Predicting the energy cost of terrestrial locomotion: a test of the LiMb model in humans and quadrupedsDescription of Teeth and portions of Jaws of two extinct Anthracotheroid Quadrupeds (Hyopotamus vectianus and Hyopbovinus) discovere...