Pre-Breeding for yield potential: Summary of International Data from 2nd WYCYT and Performance of Pipeline MaterialEl cuidado humanizado y la percepción del paciente en el Hospital EsSalud Huacho. Octubre de 2010Fluorescein Detection of Myocardial Ischemia in an Experimental Model of Acute Coronary OcclusionSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTHENTICATION OVER A PUBLIC NETWORKSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUTHENTICATION OVER A PUBLIC NETWORKSystem and method for authentication over a public networkVasopressores em bloqueios do neuroeixo para cesariana / Vasopressors in neuraxial anesthesia at cesarean sections####Estudo compara...System and method for authentication over a public networkThe bHLH protein MyoR inhibits the differentiation of early embryonic endoderm.Early growth velocities and weight gain plasticity improve linear growth in Peruvian infants