Quitting timeQuitting TIMEQuitting time2003 Funded by a Tower Hamlets Neighbourhood Renewal Fund GrantSome Maple BasicsFor Smokers Who Want to QuitSNPs in the nAChR cluster and OR (95%CI) for quitting smoking in subjects who smoke (upper graph), and OR (95%CI) for restarting to ...Cigarette smoking behaviors and time since quitting are associated with differential DNA methylation across the human genomeSmoking Cessation and Quality of Life: The Effect of Amount of Smoking and Time Since Quitting ☆An Analysis on Low Voltage Ride Through of Wind Turbine Driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator with Different Resistances and Quittin...Impact of Age at Smoking Initiation, Dosage, and Time Since Quitting on Cardiovascular Disease in African Americans and WhitesThe At...Around Quitting Time: Work and Middle-Class Fantasy in American FictionPsychometric properties of a quitting time for alcohol questionnaire: factor structure, reliability, and validity.