Managing Urban Parks for a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Clientele
Defended neighborhoods, integration, and racially motivated crime.
Coloring Epistemologies: Are Our Research Epistemologies Racially Biased?
Alloimmunization in sickle cell anemia and transfusion of racially unmatched blood.
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and bone mineral density in a racially and ethnically diverse group of men
Current Research Findings on End-of-Life Decision Making Among Racially or Ethnically Diverse Groups
Disparities in the availability of fruits and vegetables between racially segregated urban neighbourhoods
Prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms and effect on quality of life in a racially and ethnically diverse random sample: the Bos...
Trends in the prevalence of preexisting diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus among a racially/ethnically diverse population of...
A human dopamine transporter cDNA predicts reduced glycosylation, displays a novel repetitive element and provides racially-dimorphi...