all the rage时尚;风行一时的事物
fly into a rage勃然大怒
road rage暴怒行为(主要是指驾驶人因不耐前车或不满抢道而引起的愤怒)
be the rage风靡一时
- The river became a raging torrent.
这条河变成了汹涌狂暴的洪流。 - The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God was moving over the water.
Arbitraging Arbitrageurs
Fear of Bureaucracy: A Raging Pandemic
African guerrillas: Raging against the machine
African Guerrilla Politics: Raging Against the Machine?
Peptide‐based antibiotics: A potential answer to raging antimicrobial resistance
Raging Hormones, Regulated Love: Adolescent Sexuality and the Constitution of the Modern Individual in the United States and the Net...
Raging Hormones, Regulated Love: Adolescent Sexuality and the Constitution of the Modern Individual in the United States and the Net...
World modeling and position estimation for a mobile robot using ultrasonic raging
Are adolescents the victims of raging hormones? Evidence for activational effects of hormones on moods and behavior at adolescence.
Interactive effects of nutrient heterogeneity and competition: implications for root fraging theory?