The Role of Market Orientation and Learning Orientation in Improving Innovativeness and Performance of Small and Medium EnterprisesThe development of innovation capability of small medium enterprises through knowledge sharing process: An empirical study of Indone...Predicting Knowledge Sharing Intention Based on Theory of Reasoned Action Framework: An Empirical Study on Higher Education Institut...PENGEMBANGAN KAPABILITAS KEINOVASIAN IKM BERBASIS PADA ORIENTASI KEWIRAUSAHAAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN ORGANISASIONALInnovativeness Model Of Small And Medium Enterprises Based On Market Orientation and Learning Orientation: Testing Moderating Effect...Relationship Marketing Model on Customer Commitment: the role Economics, Resources and Social ContentInnovativeness Model Of Small And Medium Enterprises Based On Market Orientation and Learning Orientation: Testing Moderating Effect...HUBUNGAN ANTARA KARAKTERISTIK TEKNOLOGI DENGAN KEMUNGKINAN USAHA KECIL UNTUK MENGADOPSI TISustainable development of Batik Banyumas as creative industry: A-B-G community-based Triple Helix ModelCore competence of batik Banyumas industry: Problems and challenge to createsustainable competitive advantage