- With foreigners selling their South African assets, the rand is taking a knock.
随着外国人出售他们的南非资产,兰特收到了冲击。 - Zimbabwe uses the South African rand as its reference currency.
RAND 36-item health survey 1.0
The RAND 36-Item Health Survey 1.0
The RAND-36 measure of health-related quality of life.
Marine Ecoregions of the World:\rA Bioregionalization of Coastal\rand Shelf Areas
Fundamentals of aquatic toxicology — Methods and applications : G.M. Rand and S.R. Petrocelli (Eds.). Hemisphere Publishing Corpora...
Effect of off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery on clinical, angiographic, neurocognitive, and quality of life outcomes: randomise...
Neurocognition in patients with brain metastases treated with radiosurgery or radiosurgery plus whole-brain irradiation: a randomise...
Treatment of patients with mildly symptomatic pulmonary arterial hypertension with bosentan (EARLY study): a double-blind, randomise...
Normalization of lactulose breath testing correlates with symptom improvement in irritable bowel syndrome. a double-blind, randomize...
Antiretroviral prophylaxis for HIV infection in injecting drug users in Bangkok, Thailand (the Bangkok Tenofovir Study): a randomise...