front and rear在前后
rear axle后桥;后轴
rear wheel后轮;后车轮
rear end n. 臀部;后部
rear area大后方;后方地域
rear view后视图
rear view mirror后视镜
rear seat后座;后座椅
rear suspension后悬吊,后悬吊系统;后悬挂装置
rear door后门;后门板;后车门
in the rear of adj. 在...的后部(在...的背后)
rear bumper后保险杠;后档
rear side后侧;背部
rear spoiler后扰流板
rear projection背面投影;尾部投影
rear guard后卫部队;殿后
rear brake后煞车器;后轴制动器
rear admiral海军少将
rear window后窗,后窗玻璃;后挡风玻璃
rear axle housing后桥壳;后轴套;后轴壳
- In general, larva having the lowest survival rate was the main fatal stage during group rearing following by prepupa and pupa.
集体饲育以幼虫期之死亡率最高,为主要死亡时段,前蛹期次之,蛹期最低。 - These require the labor-and time-intensive processes of gestation and child rearing to reach adulthood.
这就要求必须有劳动和时间密集的孕育和抚养过程使克隆婴儿长大成人。 - This occurs in its most extreme form in species where the males play little or no part in the rearing of offspring.
这种情况最极端的表现形式就是某些物种中雄性很少甚至不参与抚养后代。 - The senior high school students with IAD have poor parental rearing patterns.
网络成瘾高中生父母养育方式均存在问题。 - In China, such rearing and emplacement of orphans or children abandoned for physical disability are under the charge of civil administration departments.
Rearing competent children.
Handbook of insect rearing. v.1-2
Manual for mosquito rearing and experimental techniques.
Survival Costs of Chick Rearing in Black-Legged Kittiwakes
Immunocompetence of nestling great tits in relation to rearing environment and parentage
Prolonged institutional rearing is associated with atypically large amygdala volume and difficulties in emotion regulation
Techniques for Rearing Laboratory Colonies of Tobacco Hornworms and Pink Bollworms 1 | Annals of the Entomological Society of Ameri...
Premating isolation is determined by larval-rearing substrates in cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis. V. Deep geographic variation in...
Neuroendocrine response to fenfluramine challenge in boys. Associations with aggressive behavior and adverse rearing
Functional postnatal development of the rat primary visual cortex and the role of visual experience: dark rearing and monocular depr...