ReAssert: Suggesting Repairs for Broken Unit TestsUnhappy doctors : Medical education must reassert its claim to academic high groundUnited States experience: the need to reassert the Government Corporation Control Act 1945Discipline for lock reassertion in a distributed file systemAutomatically repairing test cases for evolving method declarationsCivic Declaration: A Call for a New Citizenship. A New Citizenship Project of the American Civic Forum. An Occasional Paper of the K...Embeddedness and local food systems: notes on two types of direct agricultural market ☆External Debt and Macroeconomic Performance in Latin America and East AsiaPresenilin-1, Nicastrin, Amyloid Precursor Protein, and 纬-Secretase Activity Are Co-localized in the Lysosomal MembraneOn the relationship between hypsodonty and feeding ecology in ungulate mammals, and its utility in palaeoecology.