- Digging the garden is a backbreaking job.
Repair Kit Eliminates Backbreaking Labor
Germany: The Backbreaking Work of Scientist-Homemakers
Brazil: fisherwomen, a backbreaking struggle
Cushy Work, Backbreaking Leisure: Late Soviet Work Ethics Reconsidered
Engineering Molecular Crystals: Backbreaking, yet Gratifying
The Farming of Australia: A Saga of Backbreaking Toil and Tenacity
THE WEEDISHNESS OF WILD OATS: A Reluctant and Backbreaking Study in Adaptation
Shelf lives: my brief, backbreaking, rage-inducing, low-paying, dildo-packing time inside the online-shipping machine
Research: Poor diet can increase asthma risk; Working on the land is backbreaking; Is surgery the answer to type 2 diabetes?
Discussion on the reverse charging technical measures for preventing PT during the operation backbreaking