
  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    Accipitridae[ æk'sipitrədi: ]

    • n.hawks; Old World vultures; kites; harriers; eagles

      同义词:family Accipitridae



    Family accipitridae (Hawks and Eagles)
    A karyological study of Accipitridae (Aves: Falconiformes), with karyotypic descriptions of 16 species new to cytology
    Molecular phylogeny of the genus Buteo (Aves: Accipitridae) based on mitochondrial marker sequences
    Phylogeny, diversity, and classification of the Accipitridae based on DNA sequences of the RAG‐1 exon
    Phylogeny of eagles, Old World vultures, and other Accipitridae based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA
    Visual Fields in Short-Toed Eagles, Circaetus gallicus (Accipitridae), and the Function of Binocularity in Birds
    Phylogeny of Old and New World vultures (Aves: Accipitridae and Cathartidae) inferred from nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial...
    Predicting the distribution of four species of raptors (Aves: Accipitridae) in southern Spain: statistical models work better than e...
    The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Buteo buteo (Aves, Accipitridae) indicates an early split in the phylogeny of r...
    Light and scanning electron microscopic study of the tongue in the white tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla, Accipitridae, Aves).