video recording录象;显像记录
sound recording录音;录音资料;录声
magnetic recording磁记录;磁性录音
recording medium记账依据;记录工具
data recording数据记录
recording studio录音室;录音棚
digital recording数字记录
recording device记录装置
tape recording n. 录音带;磁带录音
recording paper记录纸
automatic recording自动记录
recording density记录密度
time recording时间记录
recording session录音场次;录音时间
recording apparatus记录仪器,录音机;自记装置
picture recording录像
recording head记录头,录音磁头
- They sent the recording for our preview.
他们把那录音送来给我们预先审查。 - The audio device is not recording.
Large-scale recording of neuronal ensembles
Optical stethoscopy: Image recording with resolution λ/20
A low-power low-noise CMOS amplifier for neural recording applications
Rapid recording of 2D NMR spectra without phase cycling. Application to the study of hydrogen exchange in proteins
A low-power, low-noise CMOS amplifier for neural recording applications
Bubble jet recording method and apparatus in which a heating element generates bubbles in a liquid flow path to project droplets
Muscarinic activation of ionic currents measured by a new whole-cell recording method
Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: Recording standards and publication criteria
Horn R, Marty A. Muscarinic activation of ionic currents measured by a new whole-cell recording method. J Gen Physiol 92: 145-159
Aaslid R, Markwalder TM, Nornes HNoninvasive transcranial Doppler ultrasound recording of flow velocity in basal cerebral arteries...