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“Sophisticated People Versus Rednecks”: Economic Restructuring and Class Difference in America’s West
Rednecks, Eggheads and Blackfellas: A Study of Racial Power and Intimacy in Australia
“Sophisticated People Versus Rednecks”: Economic Restructuring and Class Difference in America’s West
"REDNECKS,""RUTTERS,"AND 'RITHMETIC: Social Class, Masculinity, and Schooling in a Rural Context
Rural Scholars or Bright Rednecks? Aspirations for a Sense of Place among Rural Youth in Appalachia.
Rednecks and Merchants: Economic Development and Social Tensions in the South Carolina Upcountry, 1865-1900
Are Rednecks the Unsung Heroes of Ecosystem Management?
Hard Hats, Rednecks, and Macho Men: class in 1970s American cinema