
  • v.

    使适应新环境,使服水土服水土,适应( acclimate的现在分词 );

  • 英英释义

    acclimate[ ə'klaimit ]

    • v.get used to a certain climate




    Method for acclimating a CPAP therapy patient to prescribed pressure
    Acclimating PHA storage capacity of activated sludge with static magnetic fields.
    A Model of Multiple‐Element Limitation for Acclimating Vegetation
    Nuclear magnetic resonance of water in cold acclimating red osier dogwood stem.
    A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Water in Cold-acclimating Cereals.
    The induction of kin genes in cold-acclimating Arabidopsis thaliana. Evidence of a role for calcium
    The strategy of the wheat plant in acclimating growth and grain production to nitrogen availability.
    The state of water in acclimating vegetative buds from Malus and Amelanchier and its relationship to winter hardiness
    An increased scope for thermal tolerance upon acclimating pupfish ( Cyprinodon ) to cycling temperatures
    Expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport proteins in cold-acclimating ducklings.