- As with other professionals, they must learn and relearn throughout their professional lives if they are to keep pace with modern trends and changing needs.
Can Physiotherapy after Stroke Based on the Bobath Concept Result in Improved Quality of Movement Compared to the Motor Relearning P...
Errorless learning and spaced retrieval techniques to relearn instrumental activities of daily living in mild Alzheimer's disease: A...
Can we relearn an RBMT system?
Can we relearn an RBMT system?
Rats with superior colliculus lesions are able to relearn a jumping stand discrimination task
Historical perspectives on health. Semmelweis: a lesson to relearn?
What happens when we relearn part of what we previously knew? Predictions and constraints for models of long-term memory.
Trumpeter Swans Relearn Migration
Mapping the learn‐unlearn‐relearn model: Imperatives for strategic management
Learning and recall of form discrimination during reversible cooling deactivation of ventralposterior suprasylvian cortex in the cat