renovascular hypertension肾血管性高血压
Prevalence of renovascular disease in the elderly: a population-based study.
Endothelial function and oxidative stress in renovascular hypertension.
Treatment of renovascular hypertension with percutaneous transluminal dilatation of a renal-artery stenosis
Effect of renal-artery stenting on progression of renovascular renal failure.
Atherosclerotic renovascular disease in United States patients aged 67 years or older: risk factors, revascularization, and prognosis.
gp91phox-containing NADPH oxidase mediates endothelial dysfunction in renovascular hypertension
Measures of clinical efficacy. The value of case finding in hypertensive renovascular disease
Arterial stenting and balloon angioplasty in ostial atherosclerotic renovascular disease: a randomised trial
A summary of cost-effectiveness calculations in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertensive renovascular disease.
Measures of clinical efficacy. Cost-effectiveness calculations in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertensive renovascular disease.