- China had demanded their repatriation and other countries were reluctant to accept them for fear of China's anger.
中国曾要求对这些人遣送回国,而其他国家也由于怕惹恼中国而不愿接收他们。 - Hundreds of refugees were herded into cattle trucks for their long repatriation journey.
几百个难民被装上了牛车,开始了他们漫长的归国旅程。 - Shipowners are prohibited from requiring seafarers to make an advance payment for their repatriation expenses.
Repatriation Taxes and Dividend Distortions
Repatriation of Corporate Executives: An Empirical Study
Medical Repatriation of British Diplomats Resident Overseas
Repatriation taxes, repatriation strategies and multinational financial policy
Toward a Theoretical Framework of Repatriation Adjustment
Revisiting repatriation concerns: organizational support versus career and contextual influences
Repatriation: empirical evidence from a longitudinal study of careers and expectations among Finnish expatriates
Relocation, Repatriation, and Translocation of Amphibians and Reptiles: Are They Conservation Strategies That Work?
When Yankee Comes Home: Factors Related to Expatriate and Spouse Repatriation Adjustment
Survival and Growth of American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Hatchlings after Artificial Incubation and Repatriation