Corn fiber gum: A potential gum arabic replacer for beverage flavor emulsification ☆
The effect of inulin as a fat replacer on the quality of set‐type low‐fat yogurt manufacture
beta-Glucan prepared from spent brewer's yeast as a fat replacer in mayonnaise.
Process for making enzyme-resistant starch for reduced-calorie flour replacer
Absorption of protein and IgG in calves fed a colostrum supplement or replacer
Effect of Fat Replacer (Salatrim ® ) on Chemical Composition, Proteolysis, Functionality, Appearance, and Yield of Reduced Fat Mozz...
Performance, health, and postweaning growth on calves fed cold, acidified milk replacer ad libitum.
Effect of oat's soluble fibre (β-glucan) as a fat replacer on physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of low-fat...
Bubble and pore formation of the high-ratio cake formulation with polydextrose as a sugar- and fat-replacer
Changes in energy and cholesterol contents of frankfurter-type sausages with fat reduction and fat replacer addition.