- Impatient of reproof, he left his parents and went away.
忍受不了责难,他离开父母出走了。 - The warmth of her smile belied the reproof.
她亲切的笑容表明她的斥责并非真的。 - The child was abashed by his mother's reproof.
孩子因母亲的责备而惶惶不安; - His words were a mixture of pity and reproof.
他的话里既有同情也有责备。 - She received a mild reproof from the teacher.
An Analysis and a Reproof of Hmelevskii's Theorem
An Analysis and a Reproof of Hmelevskii’s Theorem
Generalized effects of praise and reproof.
The value of praise and reproof as incentives for children
Child-parent spatial patterns under praise and reproof.
Effects of praise and reproof on paired-associate learning in educationally retarded children.
The Discovery, Proof and Reproof of Neurosecretion: (Speidel, 1917; Scharrer and Scharrer, 1934)
Comments on "Diagonal recurrent neural networks for dynamic systems control". Reproof of theorems 2 and 4 [and reply]
Comments on “Diagonal recurrent neural networks for dynamicsystems control”. Reproof of theorems 2 and 4 [and re...
Tympanic temperature and heart rate changes in ® re® ghters during treadmill runs performed with diŒerent ® reproof jackets