Autocatalytic Peptide Cyclization during Chain Folding of Histidine Ammonia-Lyase
Konsumenten- und kundennahe Instrumente der Ressourcenpolitik.
Die Rheinlande von der elsässischen bis zur holländischen Grenze, Rheinpfalz und Saargebiet, rhei
Konstantinopel Und Das Westliche Kleinasien: Handbuch Fur Reisende
Efficacy and proarrhythmic hazards of pharmacologic cardioversion of atrial fibrillation: prospective comparison of sotalol versus q...
The "sustainability living lab"as a reflexive user-integrating research infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International C...
Corrigendum: Climate-smart agriculture for food security
Collaborative Consumption: Towards a Resource-Saving Consumption Culture
Overexpression of a designed 2.2 kb gene of eukaryotic phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in Escherichia coli
Spontaneous variability of simple and complex ventricular premature contractions during long time intervals in patients with severe ...