- The bagpipe is a sweet musical instrument.
风笛是一种听起来很悦耳的乐器。 - The melodious tune of the Scot bagpipe along with the scen being unfolded, suddenly broaded my heart.
McBlare: a robotic bagpipe player
The Mouse Bagpipe Gene Controls Development of Axial Skeleton, Skull, and Spleen
tinman and bagpipe: two homeo box genes that determine cell fates in the dorsal mesoderm of Drosophila.
Nucleotide Variation in the tinman and bagpipe Homeobox Genes of Drosophila melanogaster
Vertebrate homologs of tinman and bagpipe: roles of the homeobox genes in cardiovascular development
Xbap, a vertebrate gene related to bagpipe, is expressed in developing craniofacial structures and in anterior gut muscle
Nkx3.1, a murine homolog of Ddrosophila bagpipe, regulates epithelial ductal branching and proliferation of the prostate and palatin...
Bapx1: an evolutionary conserved homologue of the Drosophila bagpipe homeobox gene is expressed in splanchnic mesoderm and the embry...
The smooth muscle gamma-actin gene promoter is a molecular target for the mouse bagpipe homologue, mNkx3-1, and serum response factor.