Sequencing and characterisation of the guppy (Poecilia reticula) transcriptomeBioconcentration of polycyclic heteroaromatic hydrocarbons in the guppy ( Poecilia reticula )Microtubules have special physical associations with smooth endoplasmic reticula and mitochondria in axonsMorphology of the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticula of chorion laeve cytotrophoblasts: their resemblance to villous syncytiotrop...An inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-ATPases in the sarcoplasmic and endoplasmic reticula inhibits transduction of the gravity stimulus in cre...Prepara??o e caracteriza??o de blendas de quitosana/poli(álcool vinílico) reticuladas quimicamente com glutaraldeído para aplica?...Substantia nigra as an out-put station for striatal dopaminergic responses: role of a GABA-mediated inhibition of pars reticulata ne...Cholinergic mechanisms in canine narcolepsy—I. Modulation of cataplexy via local drug administration into the pontine reticular for...Chemical composition and anti-inflammatory activity of copaiba oils from Copaifera cearensis Huber ex Ducke, Copaifera reticulata Du...composicion quimica y compuestos bioactivos de las harinas de cascaras de naranja (citrus sinensis), mandarina (citrus reticulata) y...