- She gave reverent attention to the sermon.
她恭敬的聆听布道。 - I have never felt more reverent at a baptism.
我从来没有觉得比现在更尊重洗礼。 - They all maintained a reverent silence.
他们都保持肃静。 - She said the word artist with a gentle, understanding, reverent smile.
A Reverent Approach to the Natural World
Padded furniture for reverent atmosphere
Reverent and exemplary: 'dinosaur man' Friedrich von Huene (1875-1969)
Respectful Service and Reverent Obedience: A Jewish View on Making Decisions for Incompetent Parents
Spaces of Remembering and Forgetting: The Reverent Eye/I at the Plains Indian Museum
The Disappearance of God: A Reverent Investigation of Three Divine Mysteries by Richard Elliott Friedman
Rev Zan Ning,the Reverent Monk cum Scholar and His Biographical History of Monk Translators of Buddhist Scriptures for 1000 Years
The visual theology of Victorian popularizers of science. From reverent eye to chemical retina
A reverent approach to the natural world: Religious organizations are uniting with each other and with the scientific community to i...
Commodity Exchange Act in Perspective--A Short and Not-So-Reverent History of Futures Trading Legislation in the United States, The