reverend mother n. (对女修道院院长的称呼)院长嬷嬷
most reverend最尊敬的大主教大人(大主教的尊称)
- Reverend Jones has moved to a new church.
琼斯牧师搬到新教堂去了。 - Reverend Harris performs the 7 p.m. ceremony.
- Even the most reverend judges can make a bad decision.
就连最值得崇敬的法官也会判断失误。 - A reverend gentleman is here to see you, sir!
Reverend Billy: Preaching, Protest, and Postindustrial Flânerie
Reverend bayes on inference engines: a distributed hierarchical approach
How would the Reverend Bayes interpret high-sensitivity troponin?
Reverend Bayes meets Darwin : Bayesian inference of phylogeny ( Supplemental Material )
The Reverend Thomas Bayes, FRS: A Biography to Celebrate the Tercentenary of His Birth
[The Reverend Thomas Bayes, FRS: A Biography to Celebrate the Tercentenary of His Birth]: Rejoinder
Reverend Bayes' silent majority. An alternative factor affecting sensitivity and specificity of exercise electrocardiography.
Placing trials in context using Bayesian analysis. GUSTO revisited by Reverend Bayes.
Branded: The Economic Geographies of Streets Named in Honor of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
International Conscience, the Cold War, and Apartheid: The NAACP's Alliance with the Reverend Michael Scott for South West Africa's ...