RimoseLecidea grisella sympatric with Lecidea fuscoatra, differing in its rimose instead of areolate thallusPreparation of rimose NiZnP electrode for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium by electroless and H 2 SO 4 etchingInocybe pakistanensis, a new species in section Rimosae s. str. from PakistanSchottky diodeContributions toward a new taxonomy of Central European freshwater species of the lichen genus Thelidium ( Verrucariales, Ascomycota)Electron microscopy on a nematode-trapping fungus, Acaulopage pectospo...Crystalline particles with multiply twinned structure in amorphous films of germaniumLecania fructigena Zahlbr., a coastal saxicolous lichen, new for Europe, with notes on related speciesGraphis koreana (Graphidaceae, Ostropales), a new species from South Korea