- The child's hair fell in ringlets.
小孩的卷发自然下垂 - Her hair hung down in ringlets.
Eccentric ringlet in the maxwell gap at 1.45 saturn radii: multi-instrument voyager observations
The shape and dynamics of a heliotropic dusty ringlet in the Cassini Division
Area-dependent migration by ringlet butterflies generates a mixture of patchy population and metapopulation attributes
Open corridors appear to facilitate dispersal by ringlet butterflies (Aphantopus hyperantus) between woodland clearings.
Flight and Oviposition Behavior of the Adult Maritime Ringlet ( Coenonympha nipisiquit McDunnough) Females in Response to Microhabi...
Correlated Extinctions, Colonizations And Population Fluctuations In A Highly Connected Ringlet Butterfly Metapopulation
Behavioural shift from courtship solicitation to mate avoidance in female ringlet butterflies ( Aphantopus hyperanthus ) after copul...
Delimiting species boundaries and the conservation genetics of the endangered maritime ringlet butterfly (Coenonympha nipisiquit McD...
Potential metapopulation structure and the effects of habitat quality on population size of the endangered False Ringlet butterfly