- The cloth was packed in bales.
布已经打成包。 - I sat on a bale of straw near the fire.
我坐在炉火边的一捆稻草上。 - The bale will be coming.
Bale Density and Moisture Effects on Alfalfa Round Bale Silage
Cylindrical bale transporter and unroller has spikes mounted on either side of outrigger to hold bale which are made up of several s...
Profitability of the technique of big-bale making
Round bale silage making
Herbivory in global climate change research: direct effects of rising temperature on insect herbivores
High density molecular linkage maps of the tomato and potato genomes.
FactSage thermochemical software and databases — recent developments
RFLP Mapping in Plant Breeding: New Tools for an Old Science
Standards and guidelines for the interpretation of sequence variants: a joint consensus recommendation of the American College of Me...
CRF and CRF Receptors: Role in Stress Responsivity and Other Behaviors