- Confusion between the crow and the rook is quite common.
把乌鸦和白嘴鸦弄混是很平常的事。 - Chess includes rook, knight, bishop, queen, king and pawn.
- They rooked him of 100.
他们在纸牌戏中骗走他100英镑。 - That hotel really rooked us.
Differential Mortality of Male and Female Offspring in Experimentally Manipulated Broods of the Rook
Endocrine changes associated with spring and autumn sexuality of the Rook, Corvus frugilegus
Analysis of Interaction Deformation of Surrounding Rook and Support under Elastoplastic Condition
What Are We Waiting For? Christian Hope and Contemporary Culture. By Stephen Holmes & Russell Rook
Botanical dermatology: Plants and plant products injurious to the human skin : John Mitchell, M.D., and Arthur Rook, M.A., M.D., Phi...
ROOK Q.C., P. & WARD, R. Rook and Ward on Sexual Offences: Law and Practice(3rdFocus groups as qualitative research
The Buying Impulse
Endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction: a novel concept in the pathogenesis of vascular complications of type 1 diabetes.
Death in the AIDS patient: role of cytomegalovirus