A Cortical Based Model of Perceptual Completion in the Roto-Translation Space
A Cortical Based Model of Perceptual Completion in the Roto-Translation Space
A noise-robust frequency domain technique for estimating planar roto-translations
The semiclassical treatment of molecular roto/vibrational energy transfer
Design and proof of concept for multi degree of freedom Hydrostatically Coupled Dielectric Elastomer Actuators with roto-translation...
Si no está roto, rómpalo: ideas no convencionales para un mundo de negocios cambianteIf it ain't broke, break it
Microwave oscillations of a nanomagnet driven by a spin-polarized current.
A Review of Current Routing Rrotocols for Ad-Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks
Understanding, scoping and defining user experience:a survey approach
Chatterjee et al./Organizational Assimilation of Web Technologies MIS arterly RSACARIL SHAPING UP FOR E-COMMERCE: INSTITUTIONAL ENAB...