Method of closing an opening in a wall of the heartMethod and apparatus for patching a tissue openingStructure–activity relationship study on a novel series of cyclopentane-containing macrocyclic inhibitors of the hepatitis C virus ...Circadian variations in plasma levels of hypophyseal, adrenocortical and testicular hormones in men infected with human immunodefici...DNA reveals the existence of Myotis alcathoe in France (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)Snail Up-regulates Proinflammatory Mediators and Inhibits Differentiation in Oral KeratinocytesZeolite encapsulated cobalt(II) and copper(II) perfluorophthalocyanines. Synthesis and characterizationPulmonary reimplantation response in single-lung transplantation.Utility of actigraphy in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apneaFAST-DETACHING ELECTRICALLY INSULATED IMPLANT