- Four children milled and clattered about the rambling house.
四个孩子在杂乱无章的屋子里咭咭呱呱笑着打转。 - Its origin is in tickling and rough-and-tumble play, he says.
他说,笑的起源来自于挠痒痒以及杂乱无章的游戏。 - They live in a rough part of town.
他们居住在一个社会秩序混乱的城区。 - Study can help us look to the future and clarify confused thinking.
- Negativity and infighting were common.
消极影响和内部混战司空见惯。 - And melee combat is now available to get people to comply.
混战对遵守的人们可以用到。 - Ben and Jack struggled together on the grass.
本和杰克在草地上扭打起来。 - She tugged and wrestled with her conflicts.
Rough and Tumble
Rough and Tumble
Rough and Tumble
Androgen and the Development of Human Sex-Typical Behavior: Rough-and-Tumble Play and Sex of Preferred Playmates in Children with Co...
Elementary-school children's rough-and-tumble play and social competence.
Uncovering the molecular basis of positive affect using rough-and-tumble play in rats: a role for insulin-like growth factor I.
A longitudinal study of boys' rough-and-tumble play and dominance during early adolescence ☆
Prevalence of father-child rough-and-tumble play and physical aggression in preschool children
Rough-and-tumble play, fighting, and chasing in nursery school children
Rough-and-tumble play and the regulation of aggression: an observational study of father-child play dyads.
Elementary school children's rough-and-tumble play
Effects of neonatal handling and maternal separation on rough-and-tumble play in the rat.
The appeal of rough‐and‐tumble play in televised professional football