...and Research Issues for Avifauna of Sagebrush ...WHAT MAKES GREAT BASIN SAGEBRUSH ECOSYSTEMS INVASIBLE BY BROMUS TECTORUM?Effects of nitrogen limitation on species replacement dynamics during early secondary succession on a semiarid sagebrush sitePopulation Dynamics after Wildfires in Sagebrush GrasslandsFire History and Western Juniper Encroachment in Sagebrush SteppeConservation Assessment of Greater Sage-Grouse and Sagebrush HabitatsNARROW HYBRID ZONE BETWEEN TWO SUBSPECIES OF BIG SAGEBRUSH (ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA: ASTERACEAE). IV. RECIPROCAL TRANSPLANT EXPERIMENTSVegetation Responses following Wildfire on Grazed and Ungrazed Sagebrush Semi-DesertLANDSCAPE-SCALE CHANGES IN PLANT SPECIES ABUNDANCE AND BIODIVERSITY OF A SAGEBRUSH STEPPE OVER 45 YEARSLesser prairie-chicken brood habitat in sand sagebrush: invertebrate biomass and vegetation.