- He regretted the passing of the simple life from which ambition had seduced bam.
Structure of Bam HI endonuclease bound to DNA: partial folding and unfolding on DNA binding
Global exponential stability of BAM neural networks with delays and impulses ☆
Dpp signaling silences bam transcription directly to establish asymmetric divisions of germline stem cells
Exponential stability and periodic oscillatory solution in BAM networks with delays
Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis on a simplified BAM neural network with delays
T-BAM/CD40-L on helper T lymphocytes augments lymphokine-induced B cell Ig isotype switch recombination and rescues B cells from pro...
A discrete transcriptional silencer in the bam gene determines asymmetric division of the Drosophila germline stem cell
Exponential stability and periodic oscillatory solution in BAM networks with delays. IEEE Trans Neural Netw 13(2): 457-463
Enzymatic restriction of mammalian cell DNA using Pvu II and Bam H1: evidence for the double-strand break origin of chromosomal aber...
Gbb/Bmp signaling is essential for maintaining germline stem cells and for repressing bam transcription in the Drosophila testis