good samaritan慈善的撒马利亚人;心地慈善的人;乐善好施的人
- The needs of the wounded man interrupted the journey and the plans of the Samaritan, but he didn't seem to mind.
撒马利亚人为了帮助那名伤者,不惜延误行程,改变计划,但他却似乎没有半点介怀。 - My neighbour was a good Samaritan when I sprained my ankle. She did all my shopping and took the dog for a walk every day.
The Samaritan's Dilemma: The Political Economy of Development Aid
Altruism, the Samaritan's Dilemma, and Government Transfer Policy
Oligocene CO2 decline promoted C4 photosynthesis in grasses.
Oligocene CODecline Promoted CPhotosynthesis in Grasses
Weather, mood, and helping behavior: Quasi experiments with the sunshine samaritan.
Good Samaritanism: An underground phenomenon?
The Rotten-Kid Theorem Meets the Samaritan's Dilemma
Liquid pharmaceutical formulations of FSH and LH together with a non-ionic surfactant
Gentle Murder, or the Adverbial Samaritan
Freeze-dried FSH/LH formulations