On the occurrence and significance of hydatid cysts in the Ceylon sambhur Rusa unicolor unicolor.Suspect with 29 kgs of sambhur meat arrestedThe story of the Sambhur deerDevelopment of PCR assay for differentiation of some important wild animal meat of Sri Lanka.The Jungle Book - Mowgli's BrothersGuest-Specific Double- or Single-Step Adsorption in a Flexible Porous Framework Based on a Mixed-Ligand SystemSUBJECT AND SUBJECT-FORMATION IN LITERARY TEXTS: A CRITIQUE OF CATHERINE BELSEY'S ESSAY 'ADDRESSING THE SUBJECT'PROBLEMATIZING THE METONYMY OF REPRESENTATION IN GOPAL GURU'S ESSAY 'HOW EGALITARIAN ARE THE SOCIAL SCIENCES IN INDIA?'Sambhu Mitrer Natya Charcha Natya Bhabna_O Natya Srijaner Nirman ShilpaRare-earths in size fractions and sedimentary rocks of Pennsylvanian-Permian age from the mid-continent of the U.S.A