- At the tragic news of her husband's death, Mrs Sandoval's mind was bedimmed with great sorrow.
Phylogenetic evidence for the evolution of ecological specialization in Timema walking‐sticksGeographic, ecological and behavioral factors affecting spatial variation in color morph frequency in the walking-stick, Timema cris...A unified nomenclature for yeast autophagy-related genesEssential role for Nix in autophagic maturation of erythroid cellsHost-plant adaptation drives the parallel evolution of reproductive isolation.Identification of an intestinal folate transporter and the molecular basis for hereditary folate malabsorption.Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor NetworksLocalization of atypical protein kinase C isoforms into lysosome-targeted endosomes through interaction with p62.Sensitivity to antitubulin chemotherapeutics is regulated by MCL1 andFBW7The role of neutrophils and platelet-activating factor in mediating experimental pancreatitis