- Houses in the area are built of sandstone.
这个地区的房屋都是用砂岩建的。 - Sandstone cuts easily.
Plate tectonics and sandstone compositions
Fractal sandstone pores: Implications for conductivity and pore formation
Organic-Inorganic interactions and sandstone diagenesis
Detection of gas in sandstone reservoirs using AVO analysis: A 3-D seismic case history using the Geostack technique
Imaging compaction band propagation in Diemelstadt sandstone using acoustic emission locations
Provenance signatures of sandstone-mudstone suites determined using discriminant function analysis of major-element data
Determination of Tectonic Setting of Sandstone-Mudstone Suites Using$SiO_{2}$Content and$K_{2}O/Na_{2}O$Ratio
Anomalously high porosity and permeability in deeply buried sandstone reservoirs: Origin and predictability
Determination of Tectonic Setting of Sandstone-Mudstone Suites Using [tex-math]SiO_{2}[/tex-math] Content and [tex-math]K_{2}O/Na_{2...
Friedmanniella antarctica gen. nov., sp. nov., an LL-diaminopimelic acid-containing actinomycete from Antarctic sandstone.